My husband and I have been so lucky to be introduced to Wendy and Benjamin by our primary doctor’s office in "Glades Medical Center" in Boca Raton. Right after we started to enjoy the benefits of the New Year’s resolution and fresh start, we were notified that our previous health insurance was no longer accepted by our primary doctor’s office, all our joy of a Happy new year was depleted. We were founded in a situation that nobody wants to be in and doesn’t know how to go about, We really liked all our doctors, so going about changing all of that that we have had for years was not a solution at all. It was a very challenging time ahead for us. And then; very unexpectedly, right after we were given the contact for VIP Health Insurance, our luck changed for the best. These beautiful people, (and very handsome) Wendy and Benjamin, came to our home with a lots of knowledge, passion, experience, understanding and the best option for insurance coverage that would be the best for both of us. We felt so relieved and the trust came along with the feeling that we really have the best people for the problem, right here in our home. We are so thankful to them, our sleep pattern improved enormously, we are happy again. They are the best! You can trust them and love them as they were the members of the group of people that care for your wellbeing more than other rewards they can get. Our five stars for their service is given with happy hearts and strong recommendation for the future for anybody who wants to do business with the professionals that genuinely care about their customers.